The wind of fate brings change - Cycle closes in October | Vedic Astrology


On October 30, 2023, Rahu, the future point of the karmic axis, will enter the constellation Pisces. This concludes an 18-19 year cycle closure.

Focus shifts from Aries to Pisces

We are entering a new era. On October 30, the karmic axis changes signs, Rahu, which represents the future, moves from Aries to Pisces, and Ketu, which represents the past, moves from Libra to Virgo. On the one hand, a smaller, year-and-a-half cycle ends and begins, while the axis of karma will be in the area of Virgo-Pisces. On the other hand, a cycle that has lasted since February 23, 2005 is coming to an end, and another 18-19-year cycle begins, in which we can move in new directions.

The winds of change begin with the solar eclipse on October 14th and the lunar eclipse on October 28th. The increasingly fateful changes will last at least until October 30.

In addition, Rahu passes through the gandanta point, so the difficult/seemingly unsolvable problems of our lives now have a much stronger impact.

Where does the tongue of the scale tip?

The karma axis can bring fateful transformations and experiences. It directs us to the path where, according to the universal order, we must be in order to fulfill our life tasks.

In which direction should we turn our inner compass?

  • Inner experiences
  • Spiritual teachings
  • Service to others
  • Tidying, cleaning

In the next 1.5-19 years, we will have the opportunity to analyze our own functioning: to what extent do we suppress our own impulses and self-interest in our compliance with others? Good karma will not be brought about by martyrdom or self-sacrifice, but by clear, assertive communication and self-responsibility: what do we want to change, what are our goals and plans?

The role of "I sacrifice myself for my family" is over. Instead, the independent, free self-living, "I support you, but I'm also building my own life" mentality will be more appropriate in the next 18-19 years.